Salam alaykum people
Weehuuu, it's oredy 3 months since Im being here at Unimas.
Time flies so fast, I even didnt believe it.
Nampak sangat kebiziannya dengan kuliah, assignments, aktiviti dan pelbagai lagi.
Joining Enactus and etc, there's wonderful experience I had. nak sambung keja sebenarnya tapi tau la kan ni weekend, rasa nak bermalasan je. Fyi, yesterday ada exam art history. Quite easy sebab lecturer dah sedia bagi jawapan time kelas depends on students je either dia baca nota atau tak. Kalau baca dan ingat, confirm dapat jawab..aku plak??? Hihihi..da baca tp ada yang x ingat plak..wuwuwuuwuw...harap saja la tak banyak yang salah.
Btw, skang dah masuk bulan disember. Tak lama lagi nak masuk tahun baru pula 2014.
Tak sabar nak pulang kampung. I miss my family :)
Oke..oke..times up. Nak berenti bebelog, nanti sambung lagi kalau ada masa.
Sunday, 1 December 2013
3 Months
Saturday, 12 October 2013
my new life
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its raining outside my apartment |
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time minggu aluan pelajar :) |
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latest picture, minggu seni, budaya dan warisan 2013 |
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while doing our assigment |
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ray of light at Bunga Raya college |
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on the way to classes |
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perkara biasa dibuat, sambil dengar lecture sambil tangan bergerak lukis doodle :) |
Wednesday, 28 August 2013
Imma happy girl...
Salam alaykum people...
I've wondering if there is people who read my blog..teheee
Nevermind la.
Straight to the point, a few days to go to this coming september. Yeah, after long holiday, I'm goin to further my study.
Waahhaa, long time no study yaww..
Otak pun dah beku kot, ni kena cairkan semula la..wkwkwk
Apapun, everything gonna be okay.
So yesterday, i've got my new netbook. Imma happy girl. Bagi orang lain benda ni biasa je, apalah sangat netbook je..tapi lain orang lain pendapat.lain orang lain rezeki kan..
Thanks a lot to my dear big brother.
Siap sms lagi saja acah nak suh bayar...ahaha, 2minit kemudian sms lagi katanya bayar dalam bentuk doa gupenye. ...wiwiwi. sja nak bikin orang terkejut.. last2 tersenyum je baca sms tu...
Weee...i've to go now...
Monday, 22 July 2013
Reunion at Binsuluk Nature Resort
Naa, entry kedua dalam satu hari...weee, lama tak berblogging kot. tu yang melepas gian nak menaip whatever comes in my mind.
sebenarnya nak post gambar reunion je kot, ye lah blog ni dah jadi satu medium untuk aku simpan memori yang pernah berlaku. nanti dah tua-tua boleh tengok gambar kenangan..hee
reunion di dah lama sebenarnya dalam bulan april ke mei tak silap. tak ramai sebenarnya yang join dalam 12 orang je. tapi boleh la apa adanya.
oke, scroll gambar jela eh.
sunset |
malam bbq |
kayak time.. |
acece..hujan tu k hujan |
Rezeki di Unimas
Alhamdulillah, sudah 13 Ramadhan dilalui. banyak benda yang boleh berlaku dalam tempoh tersebut.
ini cerita mengenai result upu hari tu tak silap 11 julai 2013 kot. Alhamdulillah, Allah tetapkan rezeki aku untuk sambung belajar kat Unimas. Ijazah sarjana muda seni gunaan (pengurusan seni). dalam hati tak jangka pun dapat sebenarnya walaupun hati sangat berharap untuk mendapat tempat dalam universiti. ternyata Allah itu maha mendengar.
apapun, benda ni sangat bermakna untuk aku. nampaknya aku ditakdirkan dalam bidang pengurusan seni, mungkin bagi sesetengah orang apalah sangat jurusan ini,, tapi aku tetap bersyukur. peluang ada dimana-mana. lain orang lain rezeki, lain orang lain minatnya. bukan semuanya kita kena kejar apa yang menjadi kehendak kita.
so, bulan september ni aku akan fly ke sarawak..weehee, sedih dan gembira. takut pun ada sebenarnya. kita tak tahu apa bakal jadi di tempat orang. yang penting perlu sesuaikan diri, perlu adapt dengan suasana kat sana. dan untung juga ada kawan yang dulu satu kelas dari tingkatan 1 hingga 3 turut sama belajar di unimas juga tapi dalam jurusan lain. sama-sama flight ke sana lagi tu.
there's a hikmah when we wait for something good. you'll never know until you get the best part of your life. good things comes for those who wait. even you feel down before this, you have to be patience. InsyaAllah, good things will come at the right time in the beautiful Allah have planned. never doubt.just Believe.
indeed, I'm thankful to Allah for this opportunity. this is such a blessing. sometimes, we ask why we didnt get any chances, why our life's miserable, why problem comes? it is because Allah loves us, He give us a tests to reminds what we've done for this life to gain His blessing. Sometimes people forget Allah, but Allah never forget about us.
so people, just hold on the One, Allah. pray and tawakal.
lets spread the loves and positivity given by Allah :)
Monday, 17 June 2013
Hanya Kau Dan Aku Tahu
Friday, 5 April 2013
Do good.
Do good in every single things. Not because you want to show off. No! It's just the way you treat your heart to be better in as many as possible. Make it better and cherish your life...
Hati kita
Hati kita ni Allah yang jaga. Biar Allah sentiasa ada dalam hati kita, fikiran kita dan segala perbuatan yang kita lakukan berlandaskan syariat Allah.
Monday, 1 April 2013
keep moving forward
And keep moving forward. You know it, whatever it takes, you'll get the best things in the best ways. Just be patience. Yes, you should keep moving. No matter happen, you shall happy with the decision you've done. Really! Shine your way with the awsome and wonderful life. All of us can be that way. As long as we want it. And just keep moving forward.
Monday, 4 March 2013
Thursday, 14 February 2013
CNY Openhouse
wee, yesterday my friend invited us to come for her openhouse. to celebrate Chinese new year and her birthday. mind you, her birthday on 11 Feb. Nicolette Leong Pei xi.hee
tbh, i'm super duper enjoying the'll never know the true value of moment untill it becomes a memory. it is my first time to attend the celebration of chinese new year. full time of first time..haha
apa yang boleh dikatakan disini, walaupun kitaorang berlainan agama tetapi kami sentiasa memahami pegangan masing-masing as long you know the limit.
perhaps, this is what we call 1 Malaysia.rite?
no, i'm not intended to talking what is 1 Malaysia about. I'm just be happy to be Malaysian.
Sabahan people are one of the example where we can see the real life of peace and harmony.
semua orang dapat bergaul dengan baik, tanpa rasa memilih kaum pun. boleh stay kupi-kupi lagi.haha
they know how to treats us.they know what we can and what we can't eat. no matter what it is our race, they still befriends with us.
btw, seronok tengok orang main singa even mercun dia membuatkan kitaorang menekup telinga sebab kuat sangat. and the most important is....ANGPAU LAI LAI..
there is our pictures. not so good pics because taken using handphone camera. tak sempat nak bawa camera abang aku. and yeah, aku menyesal tak sempat nak bawa. mungkin kualiti gambar akan lebih bagus klu bawa kamera tu.
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masa mula-mula sampai |
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sambut birthday Nicol |
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gotcha me. spot where am I. |
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
When the curiosity comes..
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
sanah helwah, dear sister.
May Allah give you life to celebrate many of such blessed moments with your near ones.
Monday, 21 January 2013
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
Get well soon, Aliyy
yeah, this is another day to go, rite? sementelah cuti selepas STPM ni sangatla panjang and I even did'nt work yet. so, life is boring. sleep, eating, watching television, do house chores and etc. what chu want to do ya?
ok fine, I'll do something to create more wonderful days in my life..konon la sngat.haha
btw, today, my nephew are in operation. cancer. I don't know the specific things, it is on his one of kidney.
so, hari ni doktor operate Aliyy and keluarkan ketumbuhan yang melekat bersama dengan kidney. doctor said that, ketumbuhan tu memang datang dari kidney iaitu akarnya bermula dari situ.ehhh, sound so scary.
but whatever it is, I wish Aliyy will get well soon and live a healthy life. In Sha Allah. He's a strong boy, may Allah bless him. Aunt love you so much, Aliyy.
Aliyy ku sayang.. |